Culture Shock Essays. Essay examples Essay topics 43 essay samples found. Culture Shock and Adaptation. Abstract: This report is written on culture shock and adaptation of an international student in China during the period from September 01, to December 15, This is the self-case study research and my own experience in china Culture Shock Essay: Culture shock refers to the impact one has to experience when moving from their known country, culture, family, and friends to live in another country and social environment that is unfamiliar. This impact includes feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and confusion. Jan 12, Cultural Shock is a new worrying concern for few immigrants. What are the few possible options to eradicate this? Write Cultural Shock Essay in words. Culture shock happens when a person goes to a new country and experiences a different culture
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Moreover, there are an increasing number of adults moving to other countries trying to find a nice place to live in. What happens to people who experience culture shock? Those who have experienced culture shock report differently on their experience in which, however, four stages can be identified showing that all people go through the same basics; it is only the intensity of that experience that differs from person to person. Moreover, the intensity of that experience may differ depending on whether a person is alone or with somebody, even on whether a person is male or female. When one moves to a new place, culture shock essay, one is bound to face a lot of changes. That can be exciting and stimulating, but it can also be overwhelming. Experiencing all this is very natural when going through culture shock.
Culture shock results from losing familiar signs and symbols which are typical of the culture one grew up in. They include various ways in which people function on a daily basis, such as when to shake hands, how to approach people on the street, how to make appointments, who to ask for help, etc. Therefore, when people enter a foreign country and notice that all they are familiar with does not exist there, they tend to become anxious and even frustrated. What is important, however, is that culture shock is temporary.
In order to understand culture shock, one has to understand the culture of the host country and this can be very hard and exhausting. Food might taste different, to start with the simplest one. Moreover, beliefs and values differ from the country of origin to the host county and the individual culture shock essay take time to realize why the host nation behaves the way it does. All these changes difficult to grasp cause culture shock in the person, which generally goes through four different stages: honeymoon stage, conflict stage also known as rejection phaseadjustment stage also known as regression and mastery stage also known as recovery stage.
By Brian Hennessy. Australian psychologist. Chongqing, China. It is very important to be aware of the existence of culture shock because it will help the person cope with sudden bursts of emotions ranging from being in love with the host country, through hating it, to getting to understand the way people function in a particular country and culture. In trying to understand what people experiencing culture shock go through, I conducted a small-scale research. Namely, I interviewed four people form the United States, all of different background, asking them about their experience in Serbia.
All interviews were individual and none of my interviewees has ever met one another. Three of my interviewees have left Serbia, except K. who came back to live in Serbia with her family. Two of my interviewees, S. and Z. O are college students. spent her summer in Serbia visiting a friend. Before that, S. had traveled abroad, but only with her family visiting the US neighboring countries. This was his first stay abroad for such a long time and without his family. My other two interviewees, K. and C. R came to Serbia to work. Like my other interviewees, this was K. She had visited some of the US neighboring countries as a high school student. Finally, culture shock essay, C. Before coming to Serbia, she had been to other European countries doing a similar type of work.
After analyzing my research, I realized that there is no person who does not experience culture shock, culture shock essay, it is just the intensity culture shock essay what they experience that differs. In my analysis I will try culture shock essay identify the stages in their stories and what emotions they exhibited in each stage. As previously mentioned, culture shock consists of four phases, the first one being the honeymoon stage. This stage may last from few weeks to six months depending on the circumstances. There are different manifestations of this stage, culture shock essay. In the beginning individuals may feel tired or little sad. My family and I were on a new adventure and were excited to culture shock essay a new culture and life.
In another sense, it was very difficult for me because I did not know the language, culture shock essay, I did not know how to shop, I did not know how to take my children to the doctor, and I did not know anything. I had days that were very difficult! The first night we arrived in Serbia, it was January 9. There was snow on the ground and it was VERY cold which was very different from the climate we were coming from. My 4 year old daughter was very upset and NOT one of our 15 suitcases arrived with us on the plane. That night, as we lay in bed, I could not sleep my mind was going and I could not stop it. However, usually, people are fascinated by the new and they are very excited to learn about the culture and people and become a part of the community.
I was surprised by how European it seemed. Moreover, they might be enjoying increased material comfort, may feel proud that they can make themselves understood, and understand the natives, in their own language. Even learning some basic courtesies — please, thank you — helped culture shock essay feel less out of place. If people stay in the host country for a period of time longer than a month or so, they enter the second stage of culture shock known as the conflict stage, culture shock essay. It is characterized by a hostile and aggressive attitude towards the host country. People in the conflict phase may feel tired, sick, depressed, even frustrated and angry. In Serbia, people are accustomed to plans changing at the last minute, and everyone sort of shrugs and moves on.
When I first arrived, I expected every meeting to begin and end on time, I expected the university to be open when I needed it, and I expected the computers to always work. Therefore, they must be insensible and culture shock essay to you and your worries. Furthermore, culture shock essay, the language barrier might increase the uneasiness one feels culture shock essay the host country. However, one of the important characteristics of the conflict stage is its intensity, culture shock essay. This means that not everyone feels the same intensity of emotions when going through this stage. Some people may just feel uneasy, uncomfortable or even less understood; others, however, experience very strong emotions and even go through a period of deep depression.
My research has shown that people experience the conflict stage mostly around some holidays and important dates. The reason for this is that I know it is VERY difficult for my family to be away from us and our children during those times. This leads us to the third stage of culture shock known as the adjustment stage. In this stage, people still experiences difficulties, but they are determined to finish what they have started. However, there is no a clear distinction between this stage and the ones proceeding and following it. Therefore, a person either falls back on some characteristics of the conflict stage, thus staying it that stage slightly longer or goes on to the next stage.
This is why the adjustment stage is often seen as a transitional stage of the culture shock. Finally, culture shock essay, culture shock essay come to the last stage of culture shock, the mastery stage. This stage is characterized by the increasing understanding of why members of the host culture do what they do. A person in the mastery stage feels like a part of the community and develops a greater tolerance for what is strange and new in the host culture. Being in the last stage of culture shock means not only getting used to food, drinks and culture shock essay, but enjoying these things and missing them once a person goes back home.
Everything felt normal. I was in a good medium. Having reached the mastery stage, a person can start enjoying life in the host culture and gain a very valuable life experience. In conclusion, culture shock is a process people go through when faced with unfamiliar surroundings, exclusively somewhere out of their country. There are four stages of culture shock: honeymoon stage, conflict stage, adjustment stage and mastery stage and every person has to go through each of them, but not necessarily in the same order.
Culture Shock and The Cultural Adaptation Cycle [What It Is and What to Do About It]
, time: 4:42Culture Shock Experienced by International Students - blogger.com

Definition of culture shock essay. by. The above definition of culture shock is mention in part indicates the causes of culture shock. The first time they go to a foreign country, everything is quite brand new and exciting. They have a chance to see new sights and landscapes, enjoys new kinds of cuisines. They are probably appealed by Essay on Culture Shock Culture shock is defined by the University of Florida Interactive Media Lab as “the uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty that many people experience when immersed in unfamiliar surroundings where they are unsure of the acceptable norms of behavior, or what to expect from other people.” Culture Shock Essay. Culture shock is experienced by a majority of people, radically changing their environment. It is of two-folded nature: it makes you learn new things, however, the way it happens is quite aggressive and stressful. Culture shock is almost inevitable, unless you come to live in a foreign environment for a period of time, that
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