Link between Violence and Video Games. The excessive exposure to violent media may be a direct linked to the development of aggression during childhood and adolescence. Overplaying can force young gamers to behave violently while the repetitive procedure of killing trains them to play aggressively. Most video games released to the public involve just a process of killing Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins In this essay we will be discussing the use of video game violence and how this type of media shapes and effects the younger generation. We will be evaluating main topics such as the psychological aspects, wellbeing and examples of crimes or events which have Video Games Violence in Video Games Youth Violence Essay on Violent Video Games. Playing video games does not cause violent behavior. Don’t get me wrong, some video games show horrific acts of violence. “A recent survey found that 92 percent of U. S. kids–ages 2 to 17–play video games, and their parents bought million of them last year to the tune of $6. 4 billion
Essay about Violent Video Games | WOW Essays
Read essays samples written by our professional writers and feel free to use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for your own academic work. Any time that there is a social concern that becomes the attention of the media and political realms, there seems to be a uniformed necessity to find something or someone to blame for the rise of the issue. It does not appear to matter whether or not there is scientific evidence or supported rationalization towards the object of accusation but merely enough of a general consensus that there could possibly be a link between the object of blame and the social issue. Granted, there is generally some logical connection between the two which allows enough of a correlation to trigger mass agreement on a course of action.
This has been viewed through the bandwagon effect of the general public blaming violent video games for the actions of the gamers and the presence of violence within society. This is especially targeted towards violence in the young generation as school shootings and bullying have found their way to the forefront of the essay about violent video games. However, there is little to no unbias scientific evidence to support these accusations and, to the contrary, there is evidence to refute these accusations. It is the intention of this author to show that society has overreacted to violent video games and that these games do not influence the actions or personalities of the gamers.
You're lucky! Order Now. First and foremost, it is important to note that there has always been violence and there has not always been video games. There are documented cases of violent acts long before the presence of video games. Walker explains that video games did not even exist prior to the s and that these games were generally housed in amusement arcades where people would socialize and communicate. However, prior to the actual video games, these social venues housed pin-ball machines which somehow also caused panic in society.
Granted, modern video games are exceptionally more violent than one would envision the pin-ball machines of the s but the concept is still the same. But is this truly any different than the teenagers spending countless hours at amusement arcades and competing for the top score on the newest pin-ball machine? Truly this was the understood concept as the courts system has claimed that society should look for a causation rather than correlation as it is not possible to directly link pin-ball nor video games as the cause of violence Wood, In fact, it seems nearly absurd to jump to blame one industry for the issue that is so deeply rooted within society. Ferguson, Garza, Jerabeck, Ramos, and Galindo further establish the cases within the court system that show a lack of scientific evidence in support of these accusations.
According to the researchers, there is no direct evidence which links the violent video games as the cause for aggression in the younger generation but is merely based on the correlation between the two. Without an actual study that shows that violent video games are the sole cause of these aggressive behaviors, there is no way that society should be able to place the blame nor a restriction on this form of expression Fergusson et al. After all, it has been established that violence was prevalent long before the video games were developed and there are numerous studies that suggest that other changes in society could just as likely have led to the increase of violence in society, essay about violent video games.
Additionally, there is substantial evidence to support the positive impacts that video games have on gamers, essay about violent video games. Specifically, Fergusson et al. After all, would it not be nice for society to find the good in something essay about violent video games than continuously focus on potential negatives? Violence is a frightening element within society that everyone would love to find the cause of in order to eliminate such actions. However, essay about violent video games, focusing on correlations will not lead society to a cause nor a solution. This tendency only alleviates the feelings of guilt and responsibility among members of that society.
Video games are a form of expression and entertainment just as their pin-ball predecessors. There is a need to get to the root of the problem of violence but the focus on video games has proven to not be the answer. It is time that society moves on and looks elsewhere. Perhaps the solutions will be found much closer to home than members of society are comfortable with acknowledging. The media specifically targets video games when talking about tragic events, including massive shootings like those of Columbine and other tragedies involving innocent lives. Often when video games are portrayed….
Video gaming of today is a virtual experience that gives players the opportunity to adopt character personas and become involved in a storyline that follows a trajectory of different levels…. The article discusses a study conducted by Taiwanese scholars aiming at investigating the effectiveness of gaming apps advertisements. In the course of two experiments included in the study, researchers were…. E-sports are a growing industry, essay about violent video games. This type of entertainment is enjoyed by fans of all ages and does not depend upon your physical dominance. There are individuals on social media…. Online gaming is the newest and most popular form of gaming right now.
It is essay about violent video games fun and entertaining as well as teaching more and more people about the importance…. Owing to the rising outcry of patients with cancer and their demand for attention, it is important to sort an integrative medical care. Integrated medicine will come to bring about…. There are a wide range of technological innovations that have fundamentally altered the field of health essay about violent video games. One such innovation is mammography. Mammography is a breast imaging method that involves….
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Influence of video games on youth in promoting violent behaviour -- side effects of video games
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Violent video games have a many serious effects on children such as increase level of stress and aggression. Also it has a bad effect on society causing increase in fights and violence leading to lack in security and safety. Violent Video games cause problems in personality of children and make its behavior more aggressive towards people. References Apr 15, · Although video games can contribute to a child’s development, many of them, unfortunately, are extremely violent. Moreover, games propagating murder and violence, such as Mortal Kombat, Outlast, Grand Theft Auto, and so on, are popular and are being advertised everywhere, making teenagers willing to play them; the fact that they are marked by the ESRB Free Essay for You: Video Games and Violent Behaviours. Published:
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