Essay text: Normal or Geological Erosion: Erosion effects are not visible on the land surface nor are soil productivity adversely affected. In quantitative terms, the amount of soil lost through erosion is equal to the amount of soil formed. 2. Accelerated Erosion: The effects of erosion are visible on the ground surface and the rate of soil loss is greater than the rate of soil formation Essay # 1. Introduction to Soil Conservation in India: In India about 81 m. million hectare lands out of total geographical area of blogger.comes are affected by erosion problem. In other terms “out of net cultivated area of m ha, m ha lands are suffering from erosion either due to water or blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins soil conservation. Soil conservation includes all such measures which protect the soil from erosion and restore its fertility. These measures are of two types- (a) small measures to check soil erosion at local or even individual level‚ and (b) large measures at government level involving larger area and heavy investment. (a) Small Measures-These include afforestation‚
Soil conservation includes all such measures which protect the soil from erosion and restore its fertility. These measures are of two types- a small measures to check soil erosion at local or even individual level, and b large measures at government level involving larger area and heavy investment. a Small Measures-These include afforestation, regularised land strip cultivation or contour farming or terrace farming in hilly areas, use of stubble mulch system, increasing cohesiveness of the soils through artificial manures and fertilisers, gully plugging, essay on soil conservation, restricting over grazing and shifting cultivation, erecting shelter belts and wind breaks to check wind velocity and wind erosion in arid and semi-arid areas, Fixing of sand dunes by planting trees and grasses, practicing alternate cultivation technique, popularising dry farming and adopting scientific crop rotation system.
b Large Measures-these include large projects and schemes undertaken by state and central government to check soil erosion and facilitate extensive reclamation. Following are some of the schemes worthy of mention here:. Massive large scale schemes are necessary for soil reclamation in ravines and badlands of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Several such schemes involving plugging of gully mouths, construction of bunds across the essay on soil conservation, leveling of surface, a forestation, and restriction on over grazing are under implementation in these states, essay on soil conservation.
In Madhya Pradesh the World Bank has given an assistance of Rs. ii Control of Floods-In India the problem of soil erosion is very much linked with the problem of floods and waterlogging. This is due to seasonal and heavy downpour of rainfall. If arrangement could be made for the storage and diversion of additional rain-water not only it would be an effective measure to control the floods but to utilise this water in drier yet to see the light of the day due to paucity of funds. iii Afforestation-Afforestation is another effective measure to check the erosion of soil either through running water or through winds. Such trees can be planted along the roads, canals, essay on soil conservation, river banks, bordering areas of the desert and in ravine and wasteland areas.
A forestation programmes may be undertaken at local and community level and also on regional and national level. Along with a forestation equally important is the restriction on the indiscriminate cutting of trees. iv Restoration of Long Fallows-the country has of old fallows of which about 80 lakh ha lie in 8 states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, essay on soil conservation. In a programme for restoration of long fallows was j launched in these 8 states which was later on extended to 5 more states Assam, Gujarat, Meghalaya, Orissa and West Bengal. On the basis of progress, reports about 9.
v Shifting Cultivation-a scheme to control shifting cultivation has been launched in seven northeastern states of the country. This is a beneficiary oriented programme which aims at rehabilitating Jhumia tribal families with one hectare of terraced agricultural land and one hectare of horticulture and plantation crops. The 8th Five Year Plan had an outlay of Rs 45 crore for the purpose. There is a need to extend this programme to other states of the country and gradually replace this old system by sedentary farming. vi Reclamation of Essay on soil conservation Usar Soils- This is a centrally sponsored scheme launched in the states of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh during the Seventh Five Year Pan.
It has now been extended to the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The major components of the scheme include assured irrigation water, essay on soil conservation, on farm development works like land leveling, deep sloughing, community drainage system, application of soil amendments, organic manures, etc. It is a 50 funding between the Centre and the concerned states on identified components. Since the inception of the scheme an area of 4. Has been reclaimed with central assistance of Rs. There is a need to launch this scheme in other states of the country to combat the problems of salinity and alkalinity.
Soil conservation programmes are taken in the context of national plan strategy to make the country self-reliant in food and other land based produces as well as to generate additional employment opportunities in the extensive rural areas. The characteristic features of the programmes include : a implementing field measures such as terracing, contour farming, intercropping, etc, essay on soil conservation. The Central Government formed a Central Soil Conservation Board in to co-ordinate soil conservation programmes on all-India basis. The Board implemented soil conservation programmes over 2. During Fourth Plan soil conservation programmes were redesigned to be implemented on watershed basis and 21 catchments covering 71 lakh hectares of area were selected.
Fifth Plan had an allocation of Rs. Sixth Plan aimed at essay on soil conservation additional 7. It also included centrally sponsored scheme of integrated water-shed management in the catchments of 8 flood prone rivers of the Ganga basin. The Seventh Plan fixed a total outlay of Rs. Essay on soil conservation 96 a total area of One centre has been set up at Hazaribag under D. to impart training for soil conservation schemes. The World Bank assisted projects, namely Himalayan watershed management project in Uttar Pradesh and pilot project for watershed development in the rainfed areas in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are being monitored through Watershed Essay on soil conservation Council WDC in the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
The All-India Soil and Land Use Survey Organisation has carried out works of delineation and codification of catchments into watersheds, essay on soil conservation, fixation of inter-set priorities of watersheds, determination of hydrologic soil groups, infiltration characteristics, potential and problems of various identified soil series etc. It is busy in carrying out reconnaissance, sample essay on soil conservation detailed soil surveys of different parts of the country and has also identified watersheds for immediate planning. States have been asked to set up State Land Use Boards for formulating, implementing and co-coordinating soil conservation programmes. A two-tier body, namely, the National Land Resources Conservation and Development Commission and the National Land Board has been set up to co-ordinate and oversee the activities of all the State Land Use Boards.
Besides Soil Conservation training Centre of Hazaribag DVCeight regional research-cum demonstration centres have been established at Dehradun Himalayan regionChandigarh Siwalik regionKota ravines of RajasthanValsad ravines of GujaratAgra ravines of YamunaEssay on soil conservation black soilOotacamund hilly areasChhatra watershed of Losi and Jodhpur desert for the study of problems of soil and water conservation. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Soil conservation includes all such measures which protect the soil from erosion and restore its fertility.
Following are some of the schemes worthy of mention here: i Reclamation of Ravines and Badlands- Massive large scale schemes are necessary for soil reclamation in ravines and badlands of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Essay on soil conservation Conservation through the Plans Soil conservation programmes are taken in the context of national plan strategy to make the country self-reliant in food and other land based produces as well as to generate additional employment opportunities in the extensive rural areas. Posted on by Leave a comment. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
A Culture of Conservation: Don't Call it Dirt - A Passion for Soil
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The equation is: A=RKLSCP, where A is the computed soil loss per unit area, R is a rainfall factor, K is a soil erodibility factor, L is a slope length factor, S is a slope degree factor, C is a crop practice factor, and P is a conservation practice factor (Baffaut et al ) Essay text: Normal or Geological Erosion: Erosion effects are not visible on the land surface nor are soil productivity adversely affected. In quantitative terms, the amount of soil lost through erosion is equal to the amount of soil formed. 2. Accelerated Erosion: The effects of erosion are visible on the ground surface and the rate of soil loss is greater than the rate of soil formation soil conservation. Soil conservation includes all such measures which protect the soil from erosion and restore its fertility. These measures are of two types- (a) small measures to check soil erosion at local or even individual level‚ and (b) large measures at government level involving larger area and heavy investment. (a) Small Measures-These include afforestation‚
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