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Persuasive essay on organ donation

Persuasive essay on organ donation

persuasive essay on organ donation

Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Words | 7 Pages. Organ Donation is the process through which human organs are obtained for transplant surgery. (Funk and Wagnalls) Organ transplants are one of the biggest surgeries. It’s very important to understand, and be more aware of organ donation. Organ donation can restore health and save many lives Dec 14,  · Essay type Persuasive. Words. (1 page) Views. THESIS: The need is perpetually growing for organ donors and it's very simple to become one and help save a life. Transplantation gives hope to thousands of people with organ failure and helps provide new life for those living on borrowed time Feb 20,  · Organ Donation Almost everyone would want to be able to say, “I have saved a life.” By becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say, “I will save a life.” Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life as said on quick-facts-about-donation

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How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? How many of you have actually thought about organ donation? Well according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation network, as of pm on Wednesday there arepatients currently on the waiting list, and among these are men, women and children of all races and ethnic backgrounds, and to that number one more person is being added every eleven minutes. Many people on this list will die before they receive a transplant due to lack of organ donors. This does not have to happen. We can help by donating our organs, persuasive essay on organ donation. There are many misconceptions regarding organ donations. Many people believe that they would be too old or even too young when they die to donate their organs.

Many even believe that it would be to too expensive for their families, or that once a hospital finds out that they are an persuasive essay on organ donation donor, the doctor that had been so desperately been trying to save your life, would stop. However, none of these beliefs are in fact true. Upon death your organs are assessed for their condition, which often has little to do with your age. The cost of an organ transplant is the responsibility of the recipients insurance, not the deceased or their family.

Someone who is interested in becoming a donor can even specify which organs they would like to donate and can even specify whether or not they want to be a tissue donor as well. Order custom essay Persuasive Speech Organ Donation with free plagiarism report. There are as I said beforepersuasive essay on organ donation, patients currently on the organ transplant waiting list, and often the recipients need more than one organ. On average seventy-four people will receive the gift of an organ donation, while about twenty will die waiting each day. Every eleven minutes one more name is added to the waiting list, that adds up to roughly one hundred and thirty people per day. There are two types of organ donations. First there are donations made upon death. When you die you can donate organs such as: persuasive essay on organ donation, kidneys, heart, pancreas, and lungs and many different tissues within your body.

Tissue donations are often used to treat burn victims, repair ligaments or replace bone. Secondly there is the option of a living donation. Most living donors tend to be family members, or close friends of someone that is in desperate need of a vital organ, but most are very selfless individuals helping out strangers. Living donors can donate one kidney, a partial liver, lung or pancreas. Their liver will regenerate to full size in both the donor and the recipient and the kidney will enlarge to function normally. The lung and pancreas will not change but most people are just fine at reduced functioning. Persuasive essay on organ donation you decide you want to give the gift of life, there are several ways to make your wishes to be an organ donor known.

State and local registries are a great place to start, sign and carry an organ donor card in your wallet or purse. Most importantly is that your families be well informed of your decision. Your wishes will be carried out if you have signed on registry or through the DMV, but it makes it much easier on your family if they know it was your choice. As you can see, donating your organs and tissue can be one of the most important persuasive essay on organ donation you ever make and also the greatest gift you could ever give.

So I hope from hearing this speech that each and every one of you, or at least the majority of you will persuasive essay on organ donation why it is so important that we donate our organs. Each of us has the potential to help approximately eight people with our organ and roughly fifty people with tissue donations Lifebanc on Persuasive Speech Organ Donation. Cons of Organ DonationMedical Risks. One of the largest risks to being a living organ donor is that major surgery is required for the recovery of the donated organ, persuasive essay on organ donation. The Cost to the Donor.

The actual medical costs of the donation and transplant are usually covered by the recipient's insurance. Psychological Concerns. An example of a persuasive speech is a sales pitch. During a sales pitch, the speaker is trying to convince the audience to buy his or her product or service. If the salesperson is successful, the audience the person being sold to persuasive essay on organ donation choose to purchase the product or service. Facts about organ donation, persuasive essay on organ donation. Fact: Organs and tissue that can be donated include: heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, corneas, skin, tendons, bone, nerve and heart valves.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Persuasive Speech Organ Donation. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, May 03, Accessed April 18, comMay Organ donation is the process of giving an organ or a part of an organ for the purpose of transplantation into another person. Progress in medical science and technology has contributed to the growth of kidney and other organ transplantations around the world. Nevertheless, the gap between the supply and demand for transplantable. Picture your son or daughter getting into car wreck and needs. Nonprofit organizations are providing many critical services e.

culture activities, environmental issues, education, healthcare since the 16th century, persuasive essay on organ donation. But in the last couple of decades, Non-profit organizations are facing. Imagine a happy healthy teen. He does well in school and is easy to get along with. Imagine he is diagnosed with leukemia and requires daily platelet and blood transfusions. Research show that up to seven lives persuasive essay on organ donation accumulated two lungs; one heart, pancreas, and liver; and two kidneys for every individual who decides to donate an organ after death. While walking down a city street, alarming cries for help ring out through the air, and it is observed that an individual that appears to be living well has a.

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Persuasive speech - becoming an organ donor

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Writing A Great Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

persuasive essay on organ donation

Organ Donation Persuasive Essay. The argument of whether organ donors should be compensated for their efforts has become a heated topic. The two sides of the argument have equally valid points, but one must look to the benefit of not only the organ recipients, but also to the donors and to their well-being. There are more ways than one to get the desired organs, Persuasive Essay: Why Organ Donation Is Important For Health Care Organ Donation Between six-thousand and seven-thousand people die every year because they are on the waiting list for a necessary vital organ Jul 04,  · Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 23 ( words) Views. Save to my list. Remove from my list. Organ donation is such a simple and selfless action one takes to save the lives of others. The pros of declaring oneself as a donor far outweigh the cons, for nearly 90% of Americans claim to support blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

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